Speaker; Presenter; Performer; Program Reviewer; and/or Athletic Official Agreement

Note:   If amount is greater than $4,999.99, please work with Contracting & Purchasing Services.

When submitting this contract, do not modify it to request the IC's social security number.
You must comply with the university's Social Security Privacy Policy by requesting the SS number on a W-9 form.

Form Instructions : Fill in All Fields, when done, Click the 'Go to Printable Page ' button below to transfer the data you have entered on this page to a new printable page.  This is the contract and it is ready for Signatures.

Is this Independent contractor (IC) a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident (green Card)?: Yes /  No

This Agreement made this day of , 20 by and between Central Michigan University(CMU) and
Speaker; Presenter, Athletic Official and/or performer, as an Independent Contractor (IC) whose address is:
City: State: Zip:
CMU and IC agree as follows:

1. IC will perform the following services:

(Maximum 300 characters only)

2. Date of services to be performed?

(Maximum 300 characters only)

3. In performing their services the IC shall report to:

(Maximum 300 characters only)

4. CMU will be responsible for providing the following setup, equipment, etc*:
*Setup and equipment needs should be confirmed by CMU staff with University Events prior to signing the agreement

(Maximum 300 characters only)

5. In consideration for IC's satisfactory performance of their services, CMU will compensate IC as follows:

(Maximum 300 characters only)

Expenses such as travel must be mutually agreed to and itemized separately. Actual, necessary and reasonable expenses in accordance with CMU's policies and practices will be reimbursed from your invoices if authorized by CMU below.

CMU shall apply payments due to the IC under this agreement to any outstanding account balances owed by the IC to CMU.

IC estimates these expenses to be:
__________________ ( initial )

CMU authorizes expense reimbursements "not to exceed":
__________________ ( initial )
6. The IC (who is a U.S Citizen) will be responsible for paying their own taxes. Payments exceeding $600.00 will be reported to the IRS on a form 1099 misc.  Nonresident Aliens are subject to Federal withholding tax, and will be collected at time of payment.
7. IC may not assign or transfer any portion of this Agreement, without the prior written approval of CMU.
8. No relationship, other than that of independent contractor, shall be implied between the parties. No benefits, such as workers compensation, pension or insurance rights arising out of or related to an employee/employer relationship shall become a result of this Agreement. IC agrees to hold CMU harmless for any such claims and any related expense. IC also agrees to hold CMU harmless from any claim due to their or their associates acts or omissions. No acts performed or representations made, whether oral or written, by IC with respect to third parties shall be binding on CMU.
9. In the event of an act of God or other legitimate condition beyond the control of, either party which renders the performance of the other's obligations under this Agreement impossible, impractical or unfeasible, it is understood and agreed that either party has the right to cancel this agreement.
10. If IC cancels this Agreement or IC requires a change of date for any other reason, then IC agrees to reimburse CMU, within five (5) days, for any actual/direct out-of-pocket expenses incurred by CMU.
11. The laws of the State of Michigan shall govern the validity, construction and effect of this Agreement.
12. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement between the parties and shall not be changed unless mutually agreed to in writing.


Signature: __________________                                Date:
 NOTE: Any agreement/contract must be signed by an Individual with appropiate contract authority.
Print Name:     
INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR (All Items must be filled out in order to be paid)
Signature: _______________________                     Date:
Print Name:     

Click the 'Go to Printable Page ' button below to transfer the data you have entered on this page to a new printable page